Contextual Practise

Introduction Of Drugs.

Drug is a substance which may have medical, intoxicating,perfomance enchancing or other effects when taken or put into a human body or the body of another animal and is not considered a food or exclusively a food. Around the world, drugs has been used as medicine in hospitals and clinics. But some people use drugs wrongly for their body. Some people were addicted to use drugs. The drug is a special term which refers to a type of material harm to one's health in terms of physical, mental and emotional and behaviour of users when used . As a result of this effect, A person abusing drugs will become addicted and will continue to be dependent on him. Unknowingly, you might have used some sort of drugs in your life. Around the world, drugs has been used as medicine in hospitals and clinics. But some people use drugs wrongly for their body. Some people were addicted to use drugs. The drug is a special term which refers to a type of material harm to one's health in terms of physical, mental and emotional and behaviour of users when used . As a result of this effect, A person abusing drugs will become addicted and will continue to be dependent on him. Unknowingly, you might have used some sort of drugs in your life.However, some types of drugs are drugs that are prohibited from taking the medicines because these drugs led to addiction and health problem, social, economic and so on. Therefore, the government of Malaysia has listed these drugs in the dangerous drugs Act 1952 to ban the cultivation, production, distribution, import, export, possession and drug abuse.

History Of Drugs.

-Drug has been long present in human civilization and has been used since about 5ooo years ago.

-The history of Islam written that 'drugs' was brought into Arab countries by people of Persia that is not religion.

-In 19th century, people of Asia and America used to smoke tobacco. In the 20th century , some western countries especially the united states have banned the use recreate drugs.

5000 B.C. The Sumerians use opium, suggested by the fact that they have an ideogram for it which has been translated as HUL, meaning “joy” or “rejoicing.”
3500 B.C. Earlist historical record of the production of alcohol: the description of a brewery in an an Egyptian papyrus.
3000 B.C. Approximate date of the supposed origin of the use of tea in China.
2500 B.C. Earlist historical evidence of the eating of poppy seeds among the Lake Dwellers on Switzerland.

2000 B.C.Earliest record of prohibitionist teaching, by an Egyptian priest, who writes to his pupil: “I, thy superior, forbid thee to go to the taverns. Thou art degraded like beasts.”

Drugs can be categorized into the following types such as:


Drugs that are popular nowadays:




Types Of Drugs.

Drugs can be divided into five sections:

1. Opiate/Narcotic (Heroin, morphine, opium, Methadone & Kodien)
2. Stimulant/Stimulants (Amphetamines, Cocaine, Ecstasy & Methamphetamine)
3. the emphasis/Depressants (Barbiturates, Tranquilizer, alcohol)
4. Hallucinogen (LSD, PCP, Mescaline, Psilocybin)
5. Cannabis (marijuana, Hashish & Marijuana)

Known also as "M", "the white stuff", "White Powder", "Monkeys", "Dreamer", "Morph", "Tab", "Morb", "Cube", "Emsel" and "Melter". Morphine is an ephedrine obtained from raw opium. In the dark, he often market available as raw morphine, morphine base (morphine) or morphine sulfate morphine or hydrochloride. He is in the form of blocks, powders or pills. The steps used to use morphine is injected with a solution of morphine or morphine pill pills swallow.

-Morphine a recreational drug, and the main psychoactive chemical in opium. Morphine used to relieve intense pain and suffering.
-Morphine has a high potential for addiction tolerance and psychological dependence develop rapidly.

Different types of drugs.


It is known as the "Herbs", "Cannabis Marijuana/Grass", "Pot/Weed", "Bhang", "Kif", "Takrouri" and "Dagga". Cannabis herbaceous or cannabis refers to the leaves and flowering tops of principal cannabis the drained and sometimes made in the form of blocks or ' sate '. He resembles a tobacco although more greenish. The content of THC is between 0.25% to 8%.

-Cannabis, commonly known as marijuana is a preparation of the cannabis plant intended for use as a psychoactive drug and as medicine.
-Marijuana can make the person feel heightened mood or euphoria, relaxation, and an increase appetite. The side effects are include a decrease in short term memory, dry mouth, impaired motor skills and feelings of paranoia or anxiety.

Marijuana Leaves.


Cocaine is a crystalline tropane alkaloid that is obtained from the leaves of coca plant. The names comes from “coca” and. the alkaloid suffix ”-ine”, forming cocaine.
-Cocaine is a powerful nervous system stimulant. Its effect can last for fifteen minutes. When inhaled or inject, it causes a numbing effect.

One packet of cocaine.


-Methadone is mainly used in the treatment of opioid dependence. It has cross tolerance with other opioids including heroin and morphine and offers very similar effects but a longer duration of effect. Oral doses of methadone can stabilize patients by mitigating opioid withdrawal syndrome or making it more tolerable.
-Higher doses of methadone can block the euphoric effects of heroin, morphine and similar drugs.
Methadone Tablets.


-Lysergic acid diethylamide also known as LSD colloquially as acid, is a semisynthetic psychedelic drug of ergoline family, well known for its psychological effects which can include altered thinking processes closed and opened eye visuals.
-LSD is non addictive, is not known to cause brain damage, and has extremely low toxicity relative to dose. However, acute adverse psychiatric reaction such as paranoia, and delusions are possible.
LSD example


-Barbiturates are drugs that act as central nervous system depressants and can therefore produce a wide spectrum of effects, from mild sedation to total anesthesia. They have addiction potential, both physical and psychological.
-Barbiturates have now largely been replaced by benzodiazepines in routine medical practice, for example in the treatment of anxiety and insomnia.
Diffrent types of Barbiturates pills.


-Amphetamines is a potent central nervous system (CNS) stimulant of the phenethylamine class that is used in the treatment of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and narcolepsy. Amphetamine was discovered in 1887.
-Amphetamines properly refers to the racemic free base. Amphetamines also used as a performance and cognitive enhancer. It also used to treat nasal congestion, depression, and obesity.


-Methamphetamine is a neurotoxin and potent psychostimulant of the phenethylamine and amphetamine classes that is used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and obesity. Methamphetamine may be sold illegally, either as pure dextromethamphetamine or in an equal parts mixture of the right and left handed molecules.
-In low doses, methamphetamine can cause an elevated mood and increase alertness, concentration, energy in fatigued individuals. At higher doses, it can induce psychosis, rhabdomyolysis and cerebral hemorrhage. Methamphetamine is known to have high potential for abuse and addiction.

Methamphetamine looks like crystal.


-Mescaline or trimethoxyphenethylamine is a naturally occurring psychedelic alkaloid of the phenethylamine class, known as hallucinogenic effects similar to those of LSD and psilocybin.
-Mescaline also known as peyote has been used for at least 5700 years by Native Americans in Mexico. It is also occurs naturally in the peyote cactus the san Pedro cactus.

Mescaline plant also categorized as drugs.

The Properties of Drugs.

-Most significant effect is on the central nervous system brain and spinal cord.
-For medical purposes and its use is prohibited.
-Physical and psychological dependence to increase resilience against drugs.
-Taking to much of medicine can also bring adverse effects and dangers to health and social functions.
The Properties of Drugs By Andrew J Goudie.
Research on Drugs

Advantages for Drugs.

-Release tension or reducing pain
-Strengthen the stamina of the brain and mind for example studying.
-Needle injection to make the medicine more cure able.
-Able to cure diseases.
-Houses many of the addicts rehabilitation centre at once gives jobs to those who are unemployed.

Disadvantages for Drugs.

-Damage the central nervous system
-Unable to control body movement
-The transmission of HIV/AIDS is increasing.
-Destructive mind set, understanding, speech, calculation and problem solving abilities.
-Emotional disturbances in family life and society.

Overdose Drugs Causes.


-Individual factors that would try something new on taking drugs.
-Influence by friends.

-Which includes the environment in mind. The environment at home is about relationship children and parents who loose their love in family.

Taking overdose drugs also can be prevent in different ways.


-Not once tried drugs.
-Not enjoy excessively.
-Identify unhealthy influence around you.
-People with self-esteem.
-Think Positive.


-Give children love and advice.
-Be a good role model in your family.
-Concerned and give attention.
-Not prejudiced bad.
-Know what your kids do, who their friends with and what they do in free time.


-Get involved with contributed ideas, suggestions and energy for drugs problem solution.
-Former drug addicts to accept is still useful to the community.
-Guide the supervise so that more responsible.
-Always cooperate with each other to prevent entry of drugs to local area.


-Provide the death penalty (hanging) for a drug dealer.
-Increase the search for drug dealers.
-Increase road block to prevent selling illegal drugs.
-Expose on how to adopt a healthy lifestyle every day.
-Increasing the campaign for young adults such as parents, teenagers and others.

Significant of Study.

-Confidence in our research about drugs.
-The use of drugs in our daily life.


Around the world, a drug has been used as medicine in hospitals and clinics. But some people use drugs wrongly for their body. Some people were addicted to use drugs. The drug is a special term which refers to a type of material harm to one's health in terms of physical, mental and emotional and behavior of users when used. As a result of this effect, a person abusing drugs will become addicted and will continue to be dependent on him. Unknowingly, you might have used some sort of drugs in your life.
However, some types of drugs are drugs that are prohibited from taking the medicines because these drugs led to addiction and health problem, social, economic and so on. Therefore, the government of Malaysia has listed these drugs in the dangerous drugs Act 1952 to ban the cultivation, production, distribution, import, export, possession and drug abuse.
The history of the origin of drugs in the world. The name of drug has been long present in human civilization and has been used since about 5000 years ago. According to the history of Islam ‘drugs ‘was brought into Arab countries by people of Persia that is not religion. In addition, smoking tobacco is also used by the people of Asia and America before the 19th century 16. For the cannabis was also ranked as one of the famous recreate drugs at the time. In the 20th century, some western countries especially the United States have banned the use recreate drugs.
Besides, in this world all people know it has many types of drugs. So far drugs can be categorized into the following types such as Marijuana, Stimulant, Hallucinogenic, Depressants and so on. The types of drugs that is popular now days such as morphine  also as "M", "the white stuff", "White Powder", "Monkeys", "Dreamer", "Morph", "Tab", "Morb", "Cube", "Emsel" and "Melter". Morphine is an ephedrine obtained from raw opium. In the dark, he often market available as raw morphine, morphine base (morphine) or morphine sulfate morphine or hydrochloride. He is in the form of blocks, powders or pills. The steps used to use morphine are injected with a solution of morphine or morphine pill pills swallow. The name of the second drug is cannabis it is known as the "Herbs", "Cannabis Marijuana/Grass", "Pot/Weed", "Bhang", "Kif", "Takrouri" and "Dagga". Cannabis herbaceous or cannabis refers to the leaves and flowering tops of principal cannabis the drained and sometimes made in the form of blocks or ' sate '. He resembles a tobacco although more greenish. The content of THC is between 0.25% to 8%. Thirdly is cocaine comes from the leaves of Erythroxylon coca or coca and other types of staple Erythroxylon found in Peru, Bolivia, and Colombia in the Andes mountains of South America. This material is largely misused in the United States.
The properties of drugs refers to a type of chemical active psycho has such features as follows have the most significant effect on the central nervous system like brain and spinal cord. Secondly, use for medicinal purpose and its use are prohibited. The other properties are lead to physical and psychological dependency for increase resilience against drugs. Drugs also can bring adverse effects and dangers to the health and social function.

There are advantages of drugs, predominantly prescription drugs, is that they do cure ailments and help those in serious pain be able to function. There are thousands of drugs available to treat the thousands of ailments that people around the world suffer. It improves the overall quality of life for the unhealthy. However, the drug also has an advantage for example drugs can make a person forget the problems that occur in a person. When the stress of life struck, someone would take drugs with the prescription the doctor will use. This is used when the pressure go beyond until someone able to do anything to release pressure in natural remedies. If not taking prescription drugs, the pressure may invite catastrophe to a patient. By taking drugs, a person will feel calm.

Besides it also has disadvantages of drugs, the general problem is increased chance of infection and increased chance of overdose. Such as injection delivers a dose of drug straight into the bloodstream it is harder to overdose can occur very quickly, requiring immediate action. Increased chance of addiction such as the heightened effect of administering drugs intravenously can make the chances of addiction more likely. A disadvantage is that some of the side effects of prescription drugs are worse than the ailment itself. Another disadvantage is that the body becomes dependent on them and is unable to function without the medication being in your system.

The causes of people were involved with drugs are less religious education by parents. For example as we see in the television and heard via radio that most of our communities affected by drugs abuse is a result of religion brittle. Secondly, the influence of peers. One is more easily influenced by friends than with others. It is, therefore, evident that the friends is the person who most closely with ourselves. The phenomenon is happening only influence a friends. Then, disturbance of emotions. Some individuals using drugs to forget about problems because the brain controls was slow and it become fantasy. This situations cause that someone is taking drugs on an ongoing basic to get the effect of a long forgotten. Lastly, parents who default are discharging their responsibilities.

As a result of the study drugs was made by AADK and other agencies is during the period 2000 and 2008 the number of drug addicts men are more than 97 percent of the total drug addicts in Malaysia. It is estimated that the average ratio of female drug addicts to drug addicts in men is 1:55. Drastic decline in male drug abusers since 2005 indirectly have contributed to a drastic reduction in the number of drug addicts Malaysia. The same trend also happens to drug addict women where the numbers of addicts start a downward trend in 2005 at 15.2 per cent compared to the previous year. From 12,352 addicts were detected in 2008, a total of 12,076 is drug addicts guy which is 0.13 per cent of the total population, men in the age group 15-64 years (8961754 people). The number of addicts female recorded a total of 276 addicts in the same year, a decrease of 12.9 percent over the previous years.

There are various measures to combat the drug abuse so that it reduced and if possible on delete all. All parties should play an important role in the prevention of drugs problem. Especially government, government should impose heavy penalties to addicts and drugs trafficking. Besides that, the role of parents is also essential in fighting drug problems. Parents should create children by giving love and always vigilant. Next, society must also play an important role in helping and generate the implementation of rehabilitation programmers. The community should also be involved by contributing ideas, recommendations and energy for drug problems solution and support efforts towards a drug-free neighborhood. The roles of the mass media are also important to solve the problem of drugs. For example, by increasing the information programmers on drugs in accordance with the development issues and disseminate information about the danger of drugs.

In conclusion, the drug brings a lot of adverse effects. Drug abuse that stemmed from many factors resulting in many social problems occurs. Therefore, all parties must work together and organize strategies to overcome this problem, who is considered an enemy country. Among them is the party that is primarily responsible for the government shall set measures to deal with the problem. However, it will not be successful if we as people don’t like to work together to combat this problem. Parents need to play a role in guiding their children to avoid drugs. We need to realize that the drug problem can put strains on the family and the country. Finally, we must continue to fight against drugs so that our society does not become weak.

Statement Of Problem.

1.  Hard to understad about drugs and types of drugs.
2.  Hard to communicate with other through our research.
3.  Whether to choose advantages or disadvantages on drugs.
4.  Hard to create poster that must be logical based on our research.
5.  Hard to understand the scientific names for each type of drugs.

Aim and Objective.

-To create campaign poster throughout my research about drugs.

-Understand about types of drugs, advantage and disadvantage, and effects on taking drugs.

-To deliver a good message to others to tell that taking overdose drugs can lead to death.

-To encourage people to understand the use of each types of drugs.

-To make people realize that drug addiction is not good.


Drug abuse that stemmed from many factors resulting in many social problems occurs. Therefore, all parties must work together and organize strategies to overcome this problem, which is considered an enemy country. Among them is the party that is primarily responsible for the Government shall set measures to deal with the problem. Parents need to play a role in guiding their children to avoid drugs. We need to realize that the drug problem can put strains on the family and the country. Finally, we must continue to fight against drugs so that our society does not become weak. Drug addiction is a powerful demon that can sneak up on you and take over your life before you know it has even happened. What started out as just a recreational lifestyle has overcome your life and affected every single aspect of it.You don’t have to be caught up in the web of drug addiction. There are so many things you can do to get yourself clean and sober, and there’s no better time than the present. Overcoming drug addiction is a long and often painful process. Leading a clean lifestyle is something that is well within your reach. You now have the tools you need – go out and heal yourself. Remember that a thousand mile journey always begins with one step and to take it one day at a time. You can do it.

Group Work Presentation.

Posters Process.

Posters 1

Posters 2

Posters 3

Poster 4

Poster 5

Final poster

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